*Girls AFL Teams
Eastlakes have 2 Under 13’s AFL Teams and 1 Under 16’s Team.
Our under 13’s Teams are full but we can still take more players for the Under 16’s Team.


Under 13s:

Turvey Park

Turvey Park

Eastlakes MCU

Eastlakes MCU

Wagga Swans

Wagga Tigers

Wagga Tigers

North Wagga


Under 16s:

Turvey Park


Wagga Swans

East Wagga Kooringal

Eastlakes MCU

  • Competition will run from the 16th of August until the 20th of September on Wednesday’s game times will start from 4.30pm at both Robertson Oval and Bolton Park
  • Rules will be as per normal under 13’s and 16s rules except there is no kicking off the ground and any rough tackling will be penalised.
  • Each team will need to supply a goal umpire per game. AFL NSW ACT will cover umpires.
  • Registration cost will be $30.00 per player
  • Training will start on Wednesday 19th July. Under 13’s on Wednesday: 5pm-6pm and Under 16’s: 6pm-7pm. (Coaches will be in contact with team members about the location).
  • Clothing will be available to purchase and order at Training.
  • If you are at Mango tomorrow there will be sample game jumpers to try on for size in the canteen area. If you are unable to try on a jumper the size chart is attached. (Please email the club your child’s size.)

     Please email [email protected] if your daughter would like to play in the Under 16’s Team.

The girls will be given game jumpers to play in but will need to purchase Eastlakes MCU football shorts and socks (Sock will be plain blue socks as most girls will have purchased these last year for MND day. The club has more socks if girls need to purchase these.
If anyone has a pair of shorts or football boots that their child has grown out of, we will have a donations box at the canteen this Sunday for these items so we can help the girls out